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Contex ScanStation Pro

Contex ScanStation Pro
Contex ScanStation Pro
Contex ScanStation Pro
Contex ScanStation Pro
Contex ScanStation Pro
Contex ScanStation Pro
Contex ScanStation Pro

Iba ScanStation Pro vám môže poskytnúť výkon skenovania, kopírovania alebo archivácie, ktorý prekoná akýkoľvek iný produkt na trhu. Vďaka zlepšeniu produktivity až o 30 % pri súčasnom nastavení skenovania nebude váš výpočet návratnosti investícií (ROI) nikdy vyzerať tak dobre.


Špecifikácia Scanstation Pro Dátový list zariadenia Scanstation PRO

Čítaj viac

Systém obsahuje

Šírka [mm]
1067, 1118, 1524
Rozlíšenie tlače
max. 9600 dpi / opt. 1200 dpi
Použitie , nehnuteľnosť
GIS & maps, documents to archive, CAD & engineering
0,1% ± 1 pixel
EAN číslo
62 kg/ks
Get the best out of all your originals

ScanStation Pro is a professional productive solution for scanning, copying or archiving large format originals.

ScanStation Pro fits to your IT infrastructure. Integrate into any Windows PC or networked office environment by adding the Windows computer of your choice. ScanStation Pro scans to all regular file formats and includes full driver support for most Canon, HP, Epson and Océ large format printers.

ScanStation Pro includes Nextimage award-winning software. Designed specifically for fast batch scanning, Nextimage REPRO brings out every detail in your originals. Nextimage integrated printer drivers automatically connect with all your printers.


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