Special abrasive wires for cutting expanded insulating foam materials. High-quality, European-made wound wires.
See the full range of cutting strings below the product list.
Storage in liquid oil is recommended for all types of cutting wires.
A small arrow shows the working direction.
In the two tables below, you can find special abrasive wires for fast wire foam cutters.
oc means cutting wire with a Zinc galvanized braid. More resistant to corrosion.
Fastwire cutting wires are available in endless loops. When ordering, please give the exact length in millimeters.
Recommended wire tension: 1.2 - 1.5 bar.
Standard and R wires have high level of carbon
R: for workmanships with speed of cut
INOX: stainless steel (it guarantees the best durability).
WTT: tungsten (special material suitable for cutting very abrasive materials).
HPC: tungsten (high performance cutting)
Fast wire cutting wires are available in endless loops. When ordering please give the exact length in millimeters.