
Product status
0 m - 10 m
Product line
Load capacity
Thickness / diameter
4 mm - 5 mm
0.44 EUR - 190.50 EUR


Most popular products

Holdon Fixings

Reusable clipsThe patented Holdon® instant clip-on eyelets are reusable fasteners designed for fabrics, banner, mesh and sign material used as a banner clip or on camping mats, tents, netting, gardening and horticulture applications as well as various stage/events usage fields. Holdon® clips provide an easier and faster alternative to traditional eyeletting, applied by hand and instantly on-site.

"The heavier the load - the tighter the grip!" 


Which one should I buy?


HOLDON Xtra Mini Mini Clear Midi Midi Metal
holdon xtra holdon mini holdon mini clear holdon midi holdon midi metal
colour white, grey, black white, grey, black,
green, red, yellow
transparent white, grey, black black
load capacity 45 kg 45 kg < 40 kg 100 kg 100 kg
material thickness 1.5 mm
(4 mm space)
1.5 mm 1.5 mm 5 mm 5 mm
raw material Nylon6 Nylon6 ABS Nylon6 Nylon6 + metal
UV proof        
100% moisture resistance