For the protection of classic cornices, gothic crown mouldings, arch foam elements, keystones, pilasters base and capitals, wall medallions, and other non-linear elements, use our DecorFlex Premix binder plus quartz sand combination.
It can be applied with a sponge roller, brush, or, in larger quantities, a spray gun.
Application: Apply or spray the Premix on the surface, then sprinkle the adhesive with quartz sand. This should be repeated two or three times to form a permanent crust.
Approx. 180 ml (~ 250 g) of Premix is sufficient to cover 1 m2, 20 litres of Premix is sufficient for approx. 35-36 m2 for coating in three layers.
For economical reasons we sell the binder only, please, buy the silica sand locally.
This product can only be transported at temperatures above +4°.